Hearing of Gorontalo Governor Officials - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Gorontalo Province

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Hearing of Gorontalo Governor Officials

Hearing of Gorontalo Governor Officials

May 19, 2023 | Other Activities

The audience held at the Governor's Office House was Mukhanif's first moment in establishing coordination with Ismail in the context of coordination related to the 2023 Agricultural Census (ST2023) and other basic statistical activities.

On this occasion Ismail invited all Gorontalo people to provide support for the implementation of the 2023 Agricultural Census which will be the foundation for the development of Agriculture, Food sovereignty and Farmer Welfare.

Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Gorontalo

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Email: bps7500[at]bps.go.id





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