Human Development Index of Gorontalo Province 2018 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Gorontalo Province

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Human Development Index of Gorontalo Province 2018

Catalog Number : 4102002.75
Publication Number : 75550.1904
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : August 9, 2019
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 21.17 MB


Human dignity should be an essential goal of a country's development. Thus, the recommendations of the world agency United Nations Development Program (UNDP) which also states that people with dignity are people who can enjoy longevity, health, and lead productive lives (Human Development Report 1990).
Therefore, until now the standard used as a standard for the success of a country's human development is the Human Development Index (HDI). The concept of human development itself basically has a very broad meaning. This concept covers all basic dimensions possessed by humans. However, the basic idea of the concept of human development is basically quite simple, namely creating positive growth in the economic, social, political, cultural and environmental fields, as well as changes in human welfare. Therefore, humans must be positioned as the true national wealth.
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