Media Workshop on Strengthening Agricultural Census Publicity 2023 (ST2023) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Gorontalo Province

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Media Workshop on Strengthening Agricultural Census Publicity 2023 (ST2023)

Media Workshop on Strengthening Agricultural Census Publicity 2023 (ST2023)

May 16, 2023 | BPS Activities

BPS Gorontalo Province held a Media Workshop to Strengthen Publicity for the 2023 Agricultural Census (ST2023) at Villa Kencana, Boalemo Regency from 16 to 18 May 2023, by inviting public relations for Regency/Municipal BPS, Gorontalo Provincial Government Public Relations, and the media. The event was opened by Mukhamad Mukhanif as the Head of BPS Gorontalo Province. Mukhanif said that this Workshop was held in order to increase Statistical Capacity for the Media and Build Collaboration with the Media in order to Increase the Effectiveness of ST2023 Publicity. At this Workshop, the ST2023 Socialization was delivered by the representative of the ST2023 Implementation Team, Putri Ari Yanti. Putri conveyed that the ST 2023 data collection will be carried out in June-July 2023. The data collection requires 1,075 officers throughout Gorontalo Province. The participants were also provided with strategic indicators released by BPS regularly, such as food crop productivity, poverty, employment, Gross Regional Domestic Product (GDP), Human Development Index (IPM), inflation, and Farmer Exchange Rates (NTP). In addition, the workshop participants were also provided with soft skills in public relations delivered by Ismail Sam Giu as a Young Expert Public Relations Officer at the Communications and Information and Protocol Service delivered by Reymond Male Bilondatu as Field Coordinator of the Gorontalo Provincial Regional Secretariat Protocol. On the last day, an interactive dialogue was held regarding the role of the media in ST2023 publicity.
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