Consumption of Expenditure of Population of Gorontalo Province March 2023 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Gorontalo Province

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Consumption of Expenditure of Population of Gorontalo Province March 2023

Catalog Number : 3201031.75
Publication Number : 75000.24015
ISSN/ISBN : 2746-1254
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : May 28, 2024
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 2.92 MB


The aim of various programs and policies prepared by the government is to achieve a sustainable increase in people's welfare. One of the focuses of national development is achieving food sovereignty. The National Socio-Economic Survey was carried out to collect data on various aspects of fulfilling life's needs such as clothing, food, housing, education and health. Household consumption/expenditure data is one of the important data for seeing a picture of community welfare from an economic perspective. Community welfare can be seen from their consumption patterns and the variety of community consumption patterns between regions can be depicted in Susenas data. This publication is routinely published every year and is prepared to provide an overview of the expenditure and consumption of the population in Gorontalo Province, including the presentation of consumption data in calories and protein units. Comparison of consumption patterns between regency/municipality in Gorontalo Province also complements this publication.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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