Discussion on Identifying Current Issues in the Agriculture Sector - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Gorontalo Province

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Discussion on Identifying Current Issues in the Agriculture Sector

Discussion on Identifying Current Issues in the Agriculture Sector

May 19, 2023 | BPS Activities

Friday, May 19, 2023, a discussion on the Identification of Current Issues in the Agricultural Sector was held which was attended by the Head of the Gorontalo Province Agriculture Office, Dr. Ir. Muljady D. Mario and his staff. The discussion activity began with an opening led directly by the Head of BPS Gorontalo Province, Mukhamad Mukhanif S.Si, M.Si. He also explained the publicity of ST2023, the comparison of ST2003 and ST2013 results, and the coverage of business units in the 2023 Agricultural Census.

Muljady emphasized that ST2023 will be a very important information material, so the Agriculture Office will fully support the upcoming ST2023 activities. Muljady also explained some current issues in the agricultural sector such as the increase in farmers' production costs, the decline in corn prices, the phenomenon of chili prices and millennial farmers.

The discussion continued with identifying the ST2023 questionnaire, the discussion started from each field in the Agriculture Office, such as Horticulture, Fisheries, Animal Husbandry, Food Crops and Plantations. With the discussion between BPS Gorontalo Province and the Agriculture Office of Gorontalo Province, it is expected that the implementation of ST2023 in Gorontalo Province can run smoothly and produce quality data.
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